Vintage decor

It’s All In The (Vintage) Details

Goooooooood morning sunshine! And cheers to a fresh new week. I hope your weekend was full of rest, relaxation, and happy things. It was good around here. We worked on a couple of fun projects that have been on our to-do list for a while and I can’t wait to share those with you guys. I even managed to get a few quiet minutes to myself to move some things around the house and redecorate a little. I’ve been feeling really inspired lately to focus on the small details in our home, which is a nice change because most of the time I’m preoccupied with big projects or whole room renovations. You know how it goes, my mind is always racing with the next big thing. But lately I’ve been going back to basics and focusing more on the simple details. Little things like those vintage flash cards I shared last week or the perfect stack of old tattered books. It’s crazy how the smallest details bring me so much joy. I know many of you feel the same way, so today I wanted to share a corner in our dining room that is full of vintage charm and it’s definitely all about the details.
Farmhouse style decor idea for any home. Beautiful vintage cubby styled with old books and antiques!Farmhouse style decor idea for any home. Beautiful vintage cubby styled with old books and antiques!
I moved my beloved vintage cubby in our dining room after the holidays and I’ve been loving it in this spot. I was playing around with a few little things over the weekend when I realized I never shared this space here on the blog. I totally meant to, but somehow it got forgotten. I blame my sleep deprived mom brains!
Farmhouse style decor idea for any home. Beautiful vintage cubby styled with old books and antiques!Farmhouse style decor idea for any home. Beautiful vintage cubby styled with old books and antiques!
I think it’s safe to say this wooden cubby is one of my absolute favorite things to style in our home. It was so fun to piece together this look and the beauty here is definitely all in the details. An antique scale. Old tattered books. The chippy white corbel. A vintage coffee tin. An old apron. It’s all a collection of things I’ve gathered over a period of years and each one has a story to tell.
Farmhouse style decor idea for any home. Beautiful vintage cubby styled with old books and antiques!
How darn cute is that old coffee tin?! I absolutely adore that little guy. And considering how much I love coffee, it seems fitting that I have a vintage tin like this one!
Farmhouse style decor idea for any home. Beautiful vintage cubby styled with old books and antiques!
Farmhouse style decor idea for any home. Beautiful vintage cubby styled with old books and antiques!
This wreath was actually a super simple DIY project I did using the easy technique I shared in this post. I used the lambs ear garland from the Hearth and Hand line at Target and I love how it looks on this chalkboard.
Farmhouse style decor idea for any home. Beautiful vintage cubby styled with old books and antiques!
Farmhouse style decor idea for any home. Beautiful vintage cubby styled with old books and antiques!
I’ve been really enjoying antiquing for little pieces lately. It’s just so much fun to collect small things here and there that don’t cost much money, but add so much charm and character to a space. This cubby is one of those things that has no real purpose other than to look good, but it’s a great spot to display some of my favorite things. Just seeing it all makes me smile. My vintage loving heart appreciates each and every piece. And I hope you feel inspired too. Maybe there’s a corner in your home that is already full of your favorite antiques or one that you’re still working on piecing together. Either way, don’t over look the small things!
